Bremen award for Applied Arts
dorte was awarded with the Bremen prize for Applied Arts 2005 ›Förderpreis für angewandte Kunst‹ for the collection ›Tagliatelle‹:
"The works of Dorte Peymann, a necklace and three rings, convinced the jury due to their high craftsmanship and their technical mastery.
As a design approach, the work is based on the observation of the everyday, familiar process of how a plastic gift wrap ribbon curls up. Dorte Peymann lends permanence to this ephemeral event by translating it into a material
that is inherently different. This contradiction creates an ironic tension, questions the traditional understanding of jewelry without renouncing high craftsmanship. However, the technical mastery remains hidden behind the impression
of spontaneity and lightness. In their seeming ease, they give the jewelry a playful character that convinces the jury."
> ribbon ring collection ›award‹
> collier collection ›award‹